Make your own BiblePress
What is BiblePress?
- BiblePress is a small (fits-in-the-palm-of-your-hand small), portable, way for you to share articles, pictures, mp3s, videos, and even PDFs of books, with anyone who connects to a WiFi hotspot over which you have control.
- It is an alternative to the solution provided by the people over at, who you should also check out - they do good work ( was down at the time of writing)
What is on BiblePress?
- Whatever you upload. You have complete control.
How can I upload files?
- You simply log in via an internet browser, and use the wordpress system.
How does a person connect?
- From their phone, tablet, or laptop, a person only needs to connect to your WiFi hotspot (named BiblePress), and open up an Internet browser. when they attempt to browse, they are redirected to your BiblePress page.
Can a person access the internet, and use my download quota?
- No, there is no Internet connection on the BiblePress hotspot, so this is not possible for them to achieve.
What are the technical details?
- BiblePress is running on a Rasperry Pi 3, with a 2BD antenna. It requires a 5V power supply to run.
- The software operating on it is Ubuntu MATE 16.04, nginx, mySQL, PHP7.0, wordpress, openssh, dnsmasq, and hostapd.
How do I make one?
- A "How-To" is in the works.
What will it cost?
- Depending on optional extras, you could spend anywhere between $100, and $300 per unit.
How long does it take to set up?
- For an experienced user, allow 5-8 hours, depending on Internet connectivity, and SDcard class.
In the video below, you can see how easy it is to operate:
- connect to BiblePress WiFi
- tried to go to
- automatic redirection to "
- browse 720p (High Definition) videos at very high speeds
- sign in
- upload new material
- publish
- view
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